Abigail as Annabelle William (picture is not mine all credit goes to pinterest!!!! K
[Annabelle P.O.V ]
Today my biggest mission is to get out of the corridor without being noticed by anyone. And to complete this mission, as usual I am wearing a oversized hoodie which is covering me completely and I have three books in my hand which I have kept close to my chest.I was about to walk out of the corridor door with my head bowed but maybe I'm not that lucky because I have fallen on the ground and my books have fallen far away from me. I realized someone had stepped in my way when I heard people laughing. They all are making fun of me. This is their regular work. First they make me fall and then laugh like I'm clumsy and most stupid person.
I stood up from the ground and dust my cloths off. I turn my head to see that who tripped me this time. Jack tripped me. Jack is school's nerd. When I saw his face I understand they forced him to do this. I started to gather my books anyway what can i say to them. My bully will increase. Now my third period is of maths. I entered the class and started looking at the seat, as usual the last seat was left for me. I exhaled and sat on that seat. Teacher is explaining maths formula but my full attention is only on one side - where are they? Specially him. Didn't he come today? But this is unusual as they come everyday. Is he so busy with different girls that he didn't come to school?
"ahhhh!! Why am I thinking about him? "-i thought .
"Annabelleeee!!! "
I stood up abruptly as someone shouted my name. Everyone is looking at me, some are laughing thier ass off. That someone shouting my name was Mr. Thomas, my maths's teacher.
"where are you lost ?you are not focusing today. "
"Sorry sir"-i muttered.
"I asked you something. Come and solve this"-he said.
He is always good to me because I'm one of the top student of this school.
I went to the green board in front of the room and solve the question. By now everyone had stopped laughing.Some are bored as always, some are glaring me. Uhh! This people... With this, the next period also went like a breeze.Now it's lunch time means hell time. You think I am exaggerating? See yourself.
I entered the cafeteria and sit at the last corner alone. I was having my lunch all of a sudden i felt something wet dripping down my head and here we go 'The Queen Bee' of school, Jessica emmerson is standing near my table with empty glass of juice for tormenting me. Every pair of eye is on me. They are laughing on me. Jessica is smirking at me. Then she took the plate of my lunch and throw at me.
"serves right" "Bitch" "Slap her" "She deserves this" "Hahaha look at her" - I heard people throwing colorful words at me. By now tear of embarrassment were leaking out of my eyes. Jessica made me stand up by grabbing my hair. She is in her bitch mode.
She threw me towards her friends and they immediately grabbed my hands tightly behind my back.Her second friend yanked my hair out of my face and made me look up at Jessica. She started to slap me on face. She slapped me so hard that it's whistling in my ears. It's so painful.
"you ugly piece of shit! " "Why are you still here" "Go and die" "Nobody loves you" "You are a burden on your family and on earth"--she shouted.
She slapped me until I lost count . But now some students are laughing,some are sympathizing me. Most of cafeteria staff have a look of pity on their face but I don't want thier pity or sympathy. I want someone to take stand for me or atleast complain to school authorities. But no, no one will speak because they are afraid of Jessica and afraid of them. They are elite of school. School is running on their funds. Nobody raise their voice against them specially not for a commoner like me. They knows they will lose their jobs if they did.
After hearing 5th period's bell Jessica stopped slapping me. Her friends left my arms and I fall to the floor. After giving me last look of disgust,she stormed out of cafeteria with her minions. I wipe the tear from my face and eyes and stand up from the help of table. I'm feeling little dizzy. I went to washroom. Everyone are giving me look. When I saw myself in the mirror, i burst into tears.
My face of full of blue and red marks,right side of my face was swollen,blood was dripping out of my lower lip, my hair was dishevelled. I was looking like some thugs beat me up.
"Why? Why it is always me"W
hen will they leave me alone? "
"Am I that disgusting? "
"What have I done that I am being punished?
" Please god make this stop"
"Please" "Please"
after 10 minute of my emotional breakdown I washed my face and put some concealer on my bruised face. I keep concealer in my bag because it is not first time that I am beaten. I started to use concealor when I was beaten first time and people in my neighborhood noticed .
I cleaned up and went to next class. I have already lost half of the session.
Remaining 3 period gone by with no drama.
I packed my bag and leave the class for going to home.
I reached my home in which I live with my so cold brother, James william. I lost my parents in accident when I was 12. I was with them.From when it all started. I mean my bully. My brother never cared for me. In fact he hates me. He blamed me for my parents death. I changed my clothes and went to kitchen for eating something. But I found nothing. I guess my brother didn't feel the need to leave food for me. He goes to work in afternoon,2 hours before I come to home.He is a lawyer.He works at law firm. I sigh amd went to market for buying something for myself to eat. I went in the store and bought a packet of ramen.
After shopping I was near my house when someone put their hand on my mouth and dragged me to street and push me against the wall. And after that I was blown away by what I saw. I got goosebumps on my skin.Because there was no one else standing in front of me but Zavier fucking smith .
My tormentor, my childhood friend,my nightmare, the one who made my life a living hell.
I am student and I want to study from my own money so I decided to write my own book and of course guyz It will be impossible without your support. So guide and help your friend in her journey.
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